It is possible to submit the application (or even the project) in English, as long as the project/end product is aimed towards a Dutch audience and/or takes place in The Netherlands.
The Zenobia grant
The Zenobia grant is intended to support the study of east-west relations in the Mediterranean and to make the results of this research visible to a wide audience. The grant invites study and output in the broadest sense: the end product can consist of an article to be published, a (photo) exhibition, a podcast, a vlog, a mini-documentary or any other product that is openly accessible. A variety of costs may therefore be included in the budget, such as travel and accommodation costs, research costs, or production costs. The Zenobia Foundation is at all times willing to discuss with the applicant about suitable (publication) platforms and/or to assist the applicant in mediating this.
Aims of the Zenobia Foundation
The Zenobia Foundation aims to make an active contribution to the study of the many cultures that have existed on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean over the centuries. It is no exaggeration to say that this area, in which Greeks and Trojans, Romans and Persians, Franks and Arabs, British and Ottomans, Americans and Jews, among others, have all tried to leave their mark, can be regarded as the most rich and dynamic meeting place in human history. The Zenobia Foundation tries to achieve this goal by providing financial and organizational support for lectures, conferences, excursions, publications, and other forms of study. For more information, please visit our website.
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from anyone who is passionate and motivated to realize an interesting, creative, concrete, and feasible plan and who needs financial (or other) support. Applicants representing the diversity of our society are especially welcome to send in their project. It is not necessary to be affiliated with a cultural or scientific institution. The Zenobia Foundation explicitly strives for an inclusive call, that appeals to a wide variety of candidates, both professionally and out of personal interest. Applications from, for instance, independent journalists, scientists, artists or cultural professionals qualify, but also from secondary school students who have a good idea to make the teaching of Classics more inclusive, enthusiastic university students or New Dutch citizens and holders of a residence permit who know the Eastern Mediterranean from own experience.
What can be applied for?
The Zenobia Foundation will award a maximum of 1000 euros every two years from 2020 onwards. This amount can be requested in whole or in part, depending on the wish for and necessity of support. Grants are awarded on the basis of the quality of the application. Depending on the size of the amounts requested, one or more grants are awarded per year.
When can applications be submitted?
The deadline for applying for the Zenobia grant 2022 is 18 October 2022, 11:59 PM. The application must be sent by email to the Zenobia Foundation (info@stichtingzenobia.nl). Applicants will hear before the end of 2022 whether their application has been successful.
Preparing the application
Applicants are requested to use the ‘Format for applying for a Zenobia grant’. You can download the English format here. Please note: applications that exceed the maximum number of pages allowed and are not submitted in one document, unfortunately cannot be processed.
Specific grant conditions
The Zenobia Foundation asks successful applicants for an end product in the broadest sense of the word. It is a requirement that this output is accessible to a wide audience and is realized within two years of the grant being awarded. If this is not possible, for example because a publication cannot be published on time or not publicly, the Foundation is happy to discuss about an alternative to present the results to a wide audience. Products or events arising from the research supported by the Zenobia Foundation must state the grant received. The grant can only be awarded once to the same applicant. Subsequent applications from the same applicant will not be taken into consideration.
Dicle Gülşahin
Fresco Sam-Sin
Dr. Daniel Soliman
Kristel Henquet